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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wait Patiently on the Lord

     Well... it's been a while. Last night I did a photo shoot with my sister... I don't know if I have mentioned this on here but besides running I Wonder Original, I am also a photographer. Well... I haven't done anything in probably a year. Sometimes you just feel God putting others interests in your life. Last night, however, I felt the urge to grab my big camera and go out and shoot. I was unsure of how things would go simply because I haven't really photographed anyone with my camera in a while... yeah a year! Guess what?!? Everything worked amazing!!! The lighting, posing, styling, AND even the dreaded editing went SPLENDIDLY!! Really... it was an evening and moment that I keep pondering. Normally I am never satisfied with my work. I hate editing because I can never make it look like so and so or my camera skills are not what I wish they were. But you know what? I didn't feel that way this time! It's almost as if God led me away from photography to find who I am as an artist and my style. I've been out of the popular photographer loop and was able to think about what I liked... and not try to be someone else. It felt amazing!! Friends, sometimes it's good to walk away... to quiet your life and listen to God. Believe me, I am so glad he pushed me away from a great passion of mine to bring me back to view it in a new beautiful light! If you take away one thing from this story or this account, let it be this - Let God be the great Shepherd and put ALL of your faith and trust in Him!!! Walk by faith and not sight! You all are amazing!!! (oh and should I be jealous that my sister looks like Stevie Nicks?!?) 

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