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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Photo by Angela

     Photo and beautiful words by @little_things33 ---------- We are all the same. We all have brokenness, we all have mess, we all have wrestlings and struggling. None of us is above each other whether we want to accept this or not. We each have pride, whether that comes out in gossip to lift our fragile ego or whether it simply seeps out in the quiet corners of our thinking. We all have hatred, anger in us, and whether this comes out in a blatant tongue lashing of another or a punishing silent treatment of another, it's there. We all have our ways of trying to disconnect from reality, from feeling what we need to feel, whether that be through busy-ness, constant background noise to keep us from facing our thoughts, or a full-blown addiction we try to mask, it's there in each of us. We are all wounded in some way or another. We're all the same. Each just a different kind of broken but each with potential to let beauty grow, where there has been breaking.

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