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Friday, February 6, 2015

Elvis Presley Quote

     I can't tell you how much I love this quote. I think we all feel this way. What's amazing though, is that this quote couldn't be more true. God has something in store for each one of us - we each have a purpose and a journey that was specifically designed with us in mind. When you turn your life over to God, things are going to happen to you. In God's eyes, the small things can prove to be big and the big things - small. He fills us with certain passions and gifts that are a part of our story. We just have to seek Him out to determine which are heavenly and which are worldly. Have you asked God to show you what He has in store for you? It just might surprise you what He can accomplish through you! Our God is the God who parted waters, helped a young boy defeat a giant, used a woman named Esther to save her people, walked on water, and changed the heart a man persecuting Christians - who would later go throughout the world spreading the Gospel. No friends, you were not created to walk mindlessly through this life. You were put on this earth for a reason. And those dreams you have in your heart or that amazing journey God is leading you on - none of it is impossible or too big for God!! I'm dying to hear your thoughts and dreams!! Please share them with me!! 

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